Bedding & Basket Plants
Homestead Nurseries are renowned for their superb selection of bedding and basket plants. Our greenhouses and plant display areas are bursting with good strong plants at a little over £1.00 per pot. Below is just a small selection of what we usually have available. We have many colour variations for Calibrachoa, Petunia, Diascia, Verbena and many more. Why not call in and see our great range?
Please be aware that these plants are not hardy and should be kept indoors until all risk of frost has gone.
Please be aware that these plants are not hardy and should be kept indoors until all risk of frost has gone.
Below are examples of some of the bedding we usually have in stock. *These are fast selling items, so stock may vary from that shown
Begonias - Trailing
Please note: All plants are for sale and collection at the nursery. We do not provide Mail Order. We can deliver locally for a small fee to cover fuel & labour